Azubu Company Blog
Internal Staff Profiles

To offer more transparency into the company we created Staff Profile posts about the people who worked at Azubu.
Product Release Notes

These posts acted as patch notes for the website. They highlighted new features and offered instructions on how to use them.
Event Previews & Recaps

Previews and Recaps covered events that were broadcast on the Azubu Platform. These posts utilized photos, statistics, and well written content to educate viewers about the content.
New Signings & Topical Posts

These posts informed the community about new streamers joining the platform as well as one offs like our April Fool's content.
Partner Channel Design

As part of our full service offering, the Content Team was responsible for designing and populating the pages for newly signed premium streaming partners. During a 6 month period over 1000 pages were built. Our services included writing bios in multiple languages, designing the pages, creating graphics and updating the pages based on client requests.
Azubu Front Page
The front page calendar was updated daily to display upcoming tournaments, streams, and events that were pertinent to our community.

Azubu Newsletter
The content team would create a weekly newsletter that was sent out to our 1M+ userbase to inform them of upcoming promotions, tournaments, and new partners.

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